ince the company was founded, GRABAND has placed great emphasis on the quality of its services. Accor­dingly, we started very early to establish and document an all-embracing quality manage­ment system.

Our QM system has been certified according to ISO 9001 since 1994 – so meanwhile for 25 years – and forms the basis for our successful work. In recent years it has been conti­nuously adapted to changing requi­re­ments.

The mainten­ance of the QM system is directly under the control of the manage­ment and is supported by quality officers appointed by the company. Signi­fi­cant impulses for the further develo­p­ment and impro­ve­ment of the processes come from the employees of the company based on their experi­ences from current projects.

The latest certi­fi­cate for our QM system can be found here.