Dr. Graband & Partner GmbH

Functional Safety for Rails, Interlo­ckings and Vehicles


Welcome to GRABAND

The Dr. Graband & Partner GmbH is one of the nation­wide leading enginee­ring companies which started off in the field of railroad enginee­ring.

Today we predo­mi­nantly deal with planning and manage­ment, additio­nally with develo­p­ment, valida­tion and assess­ment of projects of technical equipment in railbound local and long-distance traffic.

We especi­ally focus on imple­men­ting and assessing functional safety of transport and automa­tion systems of any kind.


We are predo­mi­nantly engineers and techni­cians with profound know-how as well as practical experi­ence. We are dying for your projects and for making them are own.

Work the Switches!

We have been at home in the railway world since 1986. While staying on track we also tap new areas of expertise.

Pick Up the Pace!

We do not focus on single grains of sand – instead we activate your project´s turbo. Because a deadline is a deadline is a deadline.


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In rail there are no easy projects. What counts is: the more trades involved, the more exciting it becomes. In the »Services« area we will lead you through the project – from technical planning over assess­ment and commis­sio­ning and all the way to LCCM questions of your running operation.

Our claim is to think compre­hen­si­vely as well as to develop efficient, competent and indivi­dual solutions for you. At the same time we work customer-oriented and are always aiming at making the (transport) world a bit safer. Our experi­ence in railway techno­logy – this always being an area subject to the safety of many people – has taught us to work with care and precision. This also provides us with a solid founda­tion to utilize our know-how in all imagi­nable sectors where functional safety plays a role.

Our software-tool, Systecon’s OpusSuite, offers support in decision-making in life cycle manage­ment (LCCM) of systems and is first choice of hundreds of companies worldwide when it comes up to analysis support of techni­cally complex systems.

GRABAND is a strong team consis­tent of more than 100 specia­lists at our headquar­ters in Braun­schweig, our subsi­diary in Berlin and our office in Dresden just as well as on site at our customers’ premises. We are proud of our more than 30 year old traditon because we are not only known of being an innova­tive and reliable partner for our customers but also an attrac­tive employer. We shall strive to further enhance these strengths.

We are looking forward to a thrilling future with you!