Technical Consulting
Apart from customer support in project planning GRABAND pays special attention to correct implementation of required specifcations when designing new systems.
At the same time GRABAND can comprehensively be integrated in individual project teams of industrial partners and is therefore able to meet demands of covering production peaks at any time.
This especially accounts for assuring functional safety in the fields of interlocking over (rail) vehicles and up to robotics.
GRABAND offers competent and economic solutions as well as customized hardware made for your special needs – we serve you in both: using new technology as well as modernising existing systems.
Our Services
Complex projects require swift and extensive systemic analyses. Our team independently creates solutions to technical and holistic questions.
Principle studies
If you wish to review your current strategies in order to deal more effectively with future tasks, you need suggestions for sustainable and economic overall solutions as well as fundamentals for investment decisions. We ensure with our experience that you as our customer can expect an overall systemic overview, a qualified survey of variants, as well as comprehensible and independent evaluations of various concepts from us. The principle studies include among others the technical comparison of different systems, an evaluation of performance potential, feasibility studies and market analyses. We focus on train protection and signaling systems, operations control and vehicle technology.
Systems technology
When complex systems are newly implemented or existing systems require adjustments we often face a tight deadline and a tough cost projection going along with a scarcity of own resources. If you want to fundamentally analyze your tasks and first would have to specify GRABAND is the right partner. Thanks to numerous successfully accomplished projects you can rely on our systems experts who know their systems inside out. Within this framework you can for instance expect an interface description or specifications for detailed development. You are only right to expect that we will find all the locks and keys of your existing systems and components just as well as your development environment. At the same time we guarantee saving your know-how as well as competent and flexible project management. Our portfolio among others includes basic evaluation, definition of technical tasks as well as drafting performance and requirement specifications, conception, analysis and specifications. We bring along the necessary experience in main line and branch line rail, in metro and tram traffic just as well as in BOStrab (German Ordinance on the Construction and Operation of Rail Systems for Light-Rail Transit) requirements.
Order development
If you are challenged by having to utilize new hardware in your systems or projects, seek to modernize existing hardware, or initiate new adaption hardware – then GRABAND should be your first choice. Get competent and economic solutions just as well as customized hardware.
We will find innovative and sustainable solutions with plenty of know-how from a number of various developments for you. Here being experienced is a good asset – this is thanks to our own products – which, are still in use today. Our portfolio covers everything from hardware specifications, circuit diagram design, choice of construction elements, board layout to implementation and testing. We can offer you entire small-scale series, if desired, including safety verification. Our range of experience goes from safety-related applications and process control engineering all the way to power connections. We are also delighted to develop analog technology, relay technology, digital technology, computer technology, bus technology or transmission technology for you.
Also reliably developed and regularly maintained components and systems at some time are subject to the process of aging and wear and tear. GRABAND is always the right partner for you when it comes up to troubleshooting, fault analysis and maintenance work of your systems. We also enjoy tackling obsolescence. We are also familiar with reverse engineering. Repairs will be carried out swiftly and efficiently and therefore economically. Certainly, we test your repaired systems and components before sending them.
Contact us
Call us at +49 531 27383–74 or send us an e‑mail for more information about our services.