
We, the Dr. Graband & Partner GmbH, stand by our project partners as well as customers as a competent and reliable partner with the highest standards. We guarantee this through our profes­sional know-how in combi­na­tion with the recogni­tions listed here.

Trusted Infor­ma­tion Security Assess­ment Exchange

Accre­di­ta­tion as inspec­tion body type A according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012

Additio­nally active in the field of Functional Safety Automo­tive as an inspec­tion body according to ISO 26262

Deutsche Bahn AG (German Railways)

Prequa­li­fi­ca­tions for technical planning (command control and signaling, electrical energy systems, electrical point heating instal­la­tions, traffic facili­ties (level crossings))

WSP Infra­struc­ture Enginee­ring GmbH

Licensee for proces­sing of planning orders with the software system ProSig® according to the German Railways guideline 819.9002 “LST-Anlagen planen – Symbole für siche­rungs­tech­ni­sche Pläne” (planning command control and signaling instal­la­tions – symbols for safety-related plans)


The Dr. Graband & Partner GmbH team includes

Accre­dited persons to accept the imple­men­ta­tion planning according to VV Bau (Adminis­tra­tive Regula­tion on the Construc­tion Super­vi­sion) and VV BAU-STE (… ‑Signaling, Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions and Electro­tech­nical Systems) at the Deutsche Bahn AG (German Railways)

Experts for the technical fields of signaling systems respec­tively electro­tech­nical instal­la­tions as well as opera­tional infra­struc­ture in accordance with MbBO at the Eisenbahn-Bundesamt (Federal Railway Authority)

Qualified persons according to BOStrab (German Ordinance on the Construc­tion and Operation of Rail Systems for Light-Rail Transit) for the inspec­tion of safety instal­la­tions at some Landes­auf­sichts­be­hörden (Federal State Super­vi­sory Autho­ri­ties)

Safety and health protec­tion coordi­na­tors on construc­tion sites in accordance with Directive 92/57/EWG and the Construc­tion Site Ordinance at the TÜV Akademie GmbH Unter­neh­mens­gruppe TÜV Rhein­lan­d/­Berlin-Branden­burg (Technical Super­vi­sory Associa­tion (TÜV) Academy Company Group TÜV Rhine­lan­d/­Berlin-Branden­burg)

TÜV-NORD (Technical Super­vi­sory Associa­tion-North) recogni­tion as a CMSE® – Certified Machinery Safety Expert at the Pilz GmbH & Co. KG