Mobility: Safe for all – today and tomorrow

Functional safety has become essential in our hightech world.

At Dr. Graband & Partner GmbH, an indepen­dent inspec­tion body type A is accre­dited in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 both for railbound traffic and in the areas of automa­tion techno­logy and automo­tive. Thus GRABAND is also available as an indepen­dent service provider for third party tasks.

In the field of command control and signaling techno­logy GRABAND carries out assess­ments / valida­tions and draws up expert opinions in the environ­ment of EBO, CENELEC and EN 61508.

Design reviews of interlo­cking systems occur for widespread techno­lo­gies, such as SIMIS‑C, SIMIS‑D, SICAS, ZSB 2000 and B950 as well as level crossing protec­tion systems.

GRABAND under­takes assess­ments on the basis of ISO 26262 in the automo­tive sector. Valida­tions of develo­p­ment processes take place for instance for high voltage storage media and electronic steering systems. In addition we carry out equiva­lent confrma­tion reviews.


Assess­ment of safety-relevant systems and compon­ents

Our assess­ment depart­ment as well as the accre­dited inspec­tion body type A (in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012) create expert’s reports to ensure the usage of safe rail automa­tion products. Here we carry out confor­mity assess­ments of safety-related compon­ents. Through our experi­ence you will learn at an early stage in the course of the project if your product meets the current proce­dural and safety-related requi­re­ments.

Our EBA (Federal Railway Authority)-approved experts carry out assess­ments based on relevant standards as EN 50126, EN 50128 and EN 50129. We look back to more than 20 years of experi­ence in approval and construc­tion processes of rail techno­logy compon­ents and sustain­ably integrate this experi­ence into your products. We are pleased to serve you with safety-relevant appraisals and process evalua­tions of your develo­p­ment processes.

Design revew of electronic interlo­ckings and level crossing protec­tion instal­la­tions

For your projects including electronic interlo­cking-techno­lo­gies SIEMENS SIMIS‑C and SIMIS‑D, Scheidt & Bachmann ZSB 2000 or Bombar­dier B950 design reviews in accordance with VV BAU-STE have to be carried out within a prede­ter­mined time frame? You are planning with electronic level crossing systems BUES 2000 or RBÜT and require prompt design reviews?

Our experts for electronic interlo­ckings and level crossings assemble diverse EBA approvals in accordance with VV PRÜF-STE for the above mentioned systems and let the assess­ment of your interlo­cking and level crossing systems proft from their experi­ence gathered in more than two decades plus currently acquired tool and project experi­ences.


With the ever-growing appli­ca­tion of electronic assis­tance systems combined with steadily growing techno­lo­gical safety-related tasks, functional safety in motor vehicles is becoming more and more important. The appli­ca­tion of common standards as e.g. ISO 26262 therefore is of profound importance. Meanwhile we are looking at more than a decade of experi­ence in applying this standard in safety-techno­logy highly-sensitive system compon­ents as e.g. in electronic steering systems or high-power as well as high-voltage storage media. We offer you to take advantage of our assess­ment if you are interested in us deter­mi­ning process confor­mity and evalua­ting your safety case. With an assess­ment we can serve you with an evalua­tion and certif­ca­tion showing whether your develo­p­ment processes are in lines with standard ISO 26262. We are an accre­dited inspec­tion body type A in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 and therefore able to serve you as a an indepen­dent partner.


In the industry we fnd incre­asing numbers of cases of man and robot working together. In order to protect humans, people are calling for proof of functional safety in accordance with ISO TS 15066, ISO 10218 and ISO 13849 standards for appli­ca­tions in the so-called man machine colla­bo­ra­tion. As inspec­tion body we delivered this evidence together with a manufac­turer. With all this experi­ence in dealing with standards we would be delighted to serve you as an indepen­dent partner.

X‑ray systems

X‑ray equipment, contains safety systems to protect people from radiation which are evaluated by GRABAND within the framework of the X‑ray Ordinance (RöV) and ISO 13849 respec­tively.

Contact us

Call us at +49 531 27383–67 or send us an e‑mail for more infor­ma­tion about our services.