Rail Infra­struc­ture: From Planning and Testing to Project Manage­ment – a Long Road to Commis­sio­ning

In the course of progres­sive techno­lo­gies as well as infra­struc­tural and/or economic optimiza­tions, existing instal­la­tions such as signal boxes, train control and grade crossing instal­la­tions including the associated systems must be adapted, replaced by modern techno­logy or decon­s­tructed. Extensive qualified planning services must be provided long before the actual construc­tion work begins.

Dr. Graband & Partner GmbH supports you in every service phase and (almost) all trades. You have a job – we have the indivi­dual, econo­mical and sustainable solution.

Deter­mi­na­tion of Feasi­bi­lity

In order to determine the basic technical, organiza­tional, legal and economic feasi­bi­lity, the basic princi­ples must first be ascer­tained and a preli­mi­nary and design plan drawn up. These essen­ti­ally include the review and, if necessary, updating of the task defini­tion, advice on the scope of services, a stock­ta­king and location analysis as well as cost estima­tion and calcu­la­tion.

These are exactly the services GRABAND provides from one single source – profes­sional, uncom­pli­cated and flexible.

Appli­ca­tion for Permit

Within the framework of the approval planning, a construc­tion appli­ca­tion in the proper form is prepared and submitted with the aim of obtaining a building permit. The appli­ca­tion includes permit planning, an appli­ca­tion form, safety certi­fi­cates, planning documents and other necessary documents.

Please feel free to get in touch with us.

Feasi­bi­lity Planning

The imple­men­ta­tion planning forms the core component of the planning services, both techni­cally and in terms of scope. Based on the draft and approval planning, it ensures the realiza­tion of the construc­tion project. Through intensive exchange with the experts, suppliers, contrac­tors and the future operator, such as Deutsche Bahn, private railways or other planning offices, all detailed questions must be clarified to the greatest extent possible. The aim of this planning phase is the prepa­ra­tion of the imple­men­ta­tion plans as a basis for the deter­mi­na­tion of quanti­ties and thus as prepa­ra­tion for the award of contracts.

The imple­men­ta­tion planning can be diffe­ren­tiated in the area of rail-bound traffic in:

  • Plan part 1 (PT 1): Generally appli­cable planning documents of the protec­tion system according to operator speci­fi­ca­tions and requi­re­ments; partly with manufac­turer-related contents
  • Plan part 2 (PT 2): Manufac­turer-specific planning documents of the safety system according to Plan part 1 and the manufacturer’s appli­ca­tion guide­lines

If necessary, all planning documents in rail-bound transport will be checked against the appli­cable guide­lines, laws or speci­fi­ca­tions in accordance with VV BAU (German adminis­tra­tive regula­tions) and VV BAU-STE (plan verifi­ca­tion). Following a technical exami­na­tion by an expert, an autho­rized person empowered to submit building documents releases them for construc­tion in accordance with the regula­tions.

We offer you both the qualified imple­men­ta­tion planning of many trades as well as the provision of persons autho­rized to submit building documents according to VV BAU and VV BAU-STE. ou can rely on our decades of experi­ence from countless successfully completed projects.

Prepa­ra­tion of the Award

As part of the construc­tion planning, the prepa­ra­tion for the award of the contract initially includes the prepa­ra­tion of a contract schedule. In the further course, the quanti­ties need to be deter­mined as the basis for the speci­fi­ca­tions from which the costs of the project are finally derived and compared with the prepared cost calcu­la­tion for control purposes. Subse­quently, the award documents will be drawn up.

These services are also provided by our qualified and experi­enced planning teams.

Execution of the Award of Contract

Parti­ci­pa­tion in the awarding of contracts essen­ti­ally involves obtaining tenders, examining and evalua­ting them and preparing a price compa­rison list. The submitted service quota­tions have to be agreed upon and compiled. This is followed by negotia­tions with selected bidders, the prepa­ra­tion of a cost estimate and cost control and finally the award of the contract.

We are happy to support your awarding process – promptly, trans­par­ently and compe­tently.

Ensuring the Execution of the Construc­tion Work

After the order has been placed, the technical, temporal and organiza­tional execution of the object must be ensured in accordance with recognized rules of techno­logy. All the trades involved, such as control and safety techno­logy, traction current, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions, should be super­vised, coordi­nated and accepted during the object or construc­tion super­vi­sion in agreement with the executing agencies and autho­ri­ties. This construc­tion phase also includes setting up and securing time schedules, keeping a job record, auditing and handing over the object including the necessary documents. Setting up statutes of limita­tions, monito­ring the elimi­na­tion of defects and a final cost control round off the comple­tion.

GRABAND has extensive experi­ence in these trades as well.

Support and Documen­ta­tion of the Object

Within the scope of property manage­ment and documen­ta­tion, any defects that may exist must be reported before the statute of limita­tions expires and their recti­fi­ca­tion must be arranged and ensured. The release of securi­ties needs to be supported as well as the compi­la­tion of drawings, documents and calcu­la­tion results of the object.

We have successfully provided these services in numerous projects too.

Project Manage­ment through all Phases

Throug­hout all phases, a profes­sional and qualified project manage­ment with its sub-functions project control, commis­sio­ning design and construc­tion super­vi­sion ensures the processes and conse­quently the project objec­tives. It essen­ti­ally includes the creation and coordi­na­tion of programs, the prepa­ra­tion and control of organiza­tion, schedule and payment plans as well as the regular infor­ma­tion of the client about the project progress and the securing of its decisions.

The project manage­ment with its sub-functions repres­ents one of our core compe­tences, which we have been able to prove in numerous projects to the satis­fac­tion of our clients.