Deutsche Bahn AG

Construc­tion Coordi­na­tion Services for the Construc­tion Project ESTW Duisburg

Extensive construc­tion coordi­na­tion services had to be performed by GRABAND for the entire building measure of the ESTW (electronic interlo­cking) Duisburg main station. These essen­ti­ally comprised coordi­na­ting construc­tion process planning, construc­tion processes, deter­mi­ning and coordi­na­ting track posses­sions as well as applying operating and construc­tion instruc­tions for different disci­plines. Finally the related basic, detailed and final settle­ment concept had to be drawn up and updated for the commis­sio­ning.

2nd Construc­tion stage: In addition the entire time and construc­tion phase schedule (for extending by further ESTW’s) as well as a track posses­sions overview had to be drawn up and actua­lized. For the tender of the construc­tion works all services had to be termi­nated based on the track posses­sion framework and the building fields assigned to the subsec­tions had to be defined.