
The headquar­ters of Dr. Graband & Partner GmbH are in Braun­schweig.

Here the areas of technical consul­ting, planning, software-enginee­ring as well as the area assess­ment / expert opinions and adminis­tra­tion are located. Since 2016 the newly created depart­ment for life cycle cost manage­ment is located here as well.

The building is at Efeuweg 9 in Braun­schweig and the main telephone number is +49 531 27383–0 and the fax number is +49 531 27383–99.


In Berlin Dr. Graband & Partner GmbH has another large office next to our headquar­ters in Braun­schweig. From this subsi­diary the branch offices are coordi­nated and managed.

This office is to be found at  Budapester Strasse 41 in 10787 Berlin, the main telephone number is +49 30 264937–0 and the fax number is +49 30 264937–99.


The Dresden subsi­diary is at Schweizer Strasse 3a in 01069 Dresden. The main telephone number is +49 351 467138–0, the fax number is +49 351 467138–9.