DB Netz AG

Technical Planning for the Electronic Interlo­cking Schön­fließ Village

At the station Schön­fließ village the existing mecha­nical interlo­cking was replaced by a modern electronic interlo­cking. For that services of the draft, approval and imple­men­ta­tion planning, the technical assess­ment, call for tenders as well as for the inventory documents had to be performed by GRABAND for the technical equipment of command control and signaling, traffic instal­la­tions, electrical enginee­ring (50 Hz) as well as telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions. In addition, the soil inves­ti­ga­tion had to be carried out as well as the accom­panying landscape conser­va­tion plan and a fire protec­tion concept had to be drawn up.