Deutsche Bahn AG and others

Technical Planning for the Regional Railway Concept 2014+ in Greater Brunswick

Within the scope of the regional railway concept 2014+ in greater Brunswick numerous traffic stations were moder­nized. For that technical planning services essen­ti­ally had to be performed on the work phases 1 to 6 (basic evalua­tion, preli­mi­nary, draft and approval planning, imple­men­ta­tion planning, prepa­ra­tion in awarding of contracts) for command control and signaling as well as a feasi­bi­lity study had to be prepared. Further­more an autho­rized person of GRABAND accepting imple­men­ta­tion planning had to be employed according to VV BAU (Adminis­tra­tive Regula­tion on the Construc­tion Super­vi­sion).