On 1st October 2019 Richard Schrötke takes over the manage­ment of the LCCM business unit in Braun­schweig. So he succeeds Michael Schön­berger, who has been a member of GRABAND’s executive board since the beginning of 2019 and takes over additional respon­si­bi­li­ties.

Mr. Schrötke has been with our company since 2013 and has extensive project experi­ence in RAMS/LCC manage­ment. He was already signi­fi­cantly involved in the develo­p­ment of the LCCM depart­ment.

The manage­ment of Dr. Graband & Partner GmbH is looking forward to the coope­ra­tion with Mr. Schrötke and wishes him every success in his new position!