Category: Event

GRABAND at the B2Run Berlin 2023

… on your mark, get set, go! Five sports enthu­si­asts from the Berlin GRABAND team started in glorious weather with thousands of other parti­ci­pants for the 5.4 km race with finish in the Olympic Stadium. Also this year the motto of this sports event was: Running together with much fun and motiva­tion! And so the […]

Company Run 2023 in Braun­schweig

Our Braun­schweig GRABAND team parti­ci­pated again in the schnel­leStelle company run. As usual, the starting and finishing points were located on the Harz+Heide grounds. The 5 km long course led also this year for the most part through the beautiful Bürger­park. However, the route was slightly different – the lap was run clockwise. The GRABAND […]

Job-Speed-Dating 2023 at GRABAND

On 14.06.2023 the Job-Speed-Dating at GRABAND in Braun­schweig took place for the first time. For potential appli­cants the doors were open on this day in the Efeuweg. Numerous interested people took the oppor­tu­nity to find out about the areas and fields of activity in our company. We enjoyed very much to present GRABAND with all […]

Contact Exchange at LokPark Braun­schweig: “Bahn trifft Studi” (Railway meets Students)

At the beginning of the winter semester 2022/23 at the TU Braun­schweig, the railway insti­tutes IVE and IfEV organized a contact exchange at LokPark for students of Faculty 3 looking for attrac­tive future employers from the railway sector. GRABAND, as one of the well-known companies presen­ting themselves to the specia­lists of tomorrow at this event, […]

Company Runs 2022

It has become almost a tradition when GRABAND parti­ci­pates in the company runs in Berlin and Braun­schweig. In glorious summer weather, the 5.4 km course of the B2Run Berlin 2022 led our Berlin colle­agues around and finally into the Olympic Stadium. It is certainly not only the impres­sive finish with beaming faces that remains in […]

Company runs 2021 – GRABAND active again despite Corona!

Also this year, quite a few running events were planned, but not all of them could take place because of the pandemic. However, this did not take away the joy of running from GRABAND. Among other things, the B2Run Berlin 2021 event was cancelled due to Corona, but the colle­agues from our branch were not […]

4th “Stadt­ra­deln in Braun­schweig” – GRABAND was there!

This year’s motto was “Ride a bike – for the climate, for Braun­schweig, for you” and GRABAND was pedaling. The goal was to cycle as many kilome­ters as possible to reduce CO2 emissions in the city of Braun­schweig. A great oppor­tu­nity for GRABAND, a company that provides its employees with company bikes. Ten colle­agues used […]

GRABAND runs – despite every­thing!

Unfort­u­na­tely, the popular company runs for the year 2020 had to be cancelled due to Corona. However, a small group of tireless GRABAND employees did not miss the oppor­tu­nity to organize an internal sports event in Braun­schweig. While observing the precau­tions, all parti­ci­pants mastered the given track length of 5 km within the radius of […]

Guest Event VDI Annual Member­ship Meeting

On March 6th, 2020 GRABAND at Efeuweg hosted the annual general meeting 2020 of the Braun­schweiger Bezirks­verein e.V. of the VDI (Associa­tion of German Engineers). In several lectures a compre­hen­sive review of the past year of the VDI district associa­tion was given. The official program was concluded by a guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Jan Werner […]